Returns & Exchanges

We understand that sometimes items may not meet your expectations. That’s why we offer hassle-free returns and exchanges within 14 days of receiving your order. To be eligible, items must be returned in their original condition: unworn, undamaged, unaltered, and unused, with the “The Blue Mastiff” tags still attached and the original packaging intact. Please note that items showing signs of normal wear and tear are not eligible for returns.

To start the return or exchange process, simply drop us a message to, and we’ll promptly provide you with detailed instructions.

Please keep in mind that the customer is responsible for covering the shipping costs associated with returns and exchanges.

Once we receive and verify the returned product, we will process the refund within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the return. The refund will be made using the same payment method used in the initial purchase or another valid method if necessary.

Certain products, for reasons of hygiene or safety, may be excluded from the right of withdrawal. We will clearly inform you about these exceptions in the product description.

At The Blue Mastiff, we take quality seriously. We reserve the right to decline any returned product that does not meet the conditions outlined above. In such cases, the rejected items will be sent back to the original shipping address at the customer’s expense. To avoid any inconvenience, feel free to reach out to our team with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your return.